Portfolio and departmental competencies
Cleaning, decontamination and waste management
Evidence 1: Search and make a note of the different types of disinfectants and cleaning agents in use within the department (s) you routinely work in. These can be in the form of:
Don’t forget to include disinfectants used in spill kits, alcohol gels used for hand sanitisation and disinfections used on the analysers (if applicable).
Complete the following table:
1. Different disinfectants and cleaning agents used within the laboratory
Evidence 2: Complete the table below identifying the method of disposal for each type of waste – explain further whether there are any special precautions:
2. Methods of waste disposal:
Evidence 3: Chose one area where H&S precautions are applied in your workplace. Examples could include:
Use of specific PPE (e.g. face masks, eye protection etc.)
Use of air extractors
Areas for carrying out specific tasks (e.g. cat 3, fume cupboards etc.)
Use of guards etc. on pieces of equipment / analysers
Exclusion safety areas (e.g. when using centrifuges)
Appropriate use of fire doors
COSHH precautions
Use of manual handling equipment (e.g. trollies)
Footwear precautions
Designated clean areas
Evaluate how successful this is applied in the workplace and suggest ways of making it more effective if not.
3. Health and Safety precaution used in the workplace:
Example of Health and Safety precaution used in your workplace: (see list above)
How successful is this precaution applied? (e.g. 100%, is it recorded? Is there a policy in place? Would your line manger say something if not applied etc.?)
If not 100% how could this be improved?
Sign off: After you have collected each piece of evidence, hand them into your trainer / mentor who will then countersign them. Please note that they may ask for additional evidence or ask you follow up questions. Also ensure that:
You have date and signed your work
You only submit evidence for checking once it is completed (you may take individual evidence pieces out of your portfolio)
Ensure any countersigned checked work is returned back (in order) to your portfolio
Try not to hand in multiple pieces of evidence for marking at once - this will create too much work for your trainer / mentor, instead spread submissions out throughout your training.
Trainer notes: Ensure the candidates line manager completes the 'Line Manager's Comments' section as each module in the portfolio is completed - continuous assessment of the candidates work is required throughout the training period.