Portfolio and departmental competencies
Section: 1 - Professional Conduct
Module: 4 - Patient Records and Data Handling
Portfolio evidence examples
Evidence example 1: Confidentiality Agreement. This piece provides an example of confidentiality agreements used by the pathology department (for work placements, external visitors etc.) to ensure the confidentiality of patient and staff information. The candidate has used a blank template form and annotated each section on how it is completed and why.
Evidence example 2: Minimum patient identifiers. The minimum patient identifiers required for sample acceptance has been outlined using both request form and an annotated bottle. This piece was followed up with a sheet of further questions asked by the mentor (not included). Note: The candidate has anonymised the request form and supplemented the evidence piece at the end with a completed competency relating to booking in of samples (again just the relevant extract and not the whole competency document).
Evidence example 3: Set questions - answered by the candidate to demonstrate how they understand what is meant by patient confidentiality, the types of records they use during their work based practice and how this applies to various legislation.
Each piece of evidence above also included mentor / trainee engagement feedback (e.g. ticks, short comments, follow-up questions).
Portfolio v5 mandatory piece: Review a sample pathway, from receipt to result, explaining the importance of consent and confidentiality.