Portfolio and departmental competencies
Section: 2 - Professional Practice
Module: 1 - Professional Knowledge
Portfolio evidence examples
Evidence example 1: Disease case study. This piece provides information on the chosen disease, including clinical context, laboratory diagnostic methods and the treatment options available. Remember to use short summary paragraphs and conclusions and consolidate any data to be more easily understood - you may also wish to include objective evidence taken from the laboratory / work place environment (e.g. LIMS screen shots, photos of tests carried etc.). Portfolio v5 mandatory piece.

Evidence example 2: Laboratory analysers. This evidence shows knowledge of the some of the routine analysers that the trainee has used - included are annotated images along with a short written synopsis for each.

Evidence example 3: Specialist tests - displayed using a table compiled with information from laboratory SOPs. The trainee here reviewed a number of SOPs to consolidate their understanding of what tests are referred out of the department. This piece of work was then document controlled for wider use within the department. It is important to state within the evidence piece how and where the information had been sourced.

Each piece of evidence above also included mentor / trainee engagement feedback (e.g. ticks, short comments, follow-up questions).