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Section: 2 - Professional Practice 

Module: 4 - Performing Standard Investigations

Portfolio evidence examples

Evidence example 1: Antenatal screening - using anonymised images of the questionnaires that are used as part of the screening process, the candidate has explained how the process is carried out in practice, using a series of steps.  This piece was followed with a sheet of trainee answers to feedback questions.


Evidence example 2: Analyser problems. Within pathology, standard investigations are not only limited to testing of patient samples - here the candidate has documented the investigatory steps carried out when a  piece of equipment fails to work as it should. The candidate has explained the routine method of spreading blood films, and how they knew there was a problem, as well as the normal working functions of the machine.



Evidence example 3: Screening test. This evidence piece describes the standard procedure to be carried out in the diagnosis of glandular fever from a patient sample. The trainee has explained how they carried out this test method and how to interpret the manual test kit results.



  • Each piece of evidence above also included mentor / trainee engagement feedback (e.g. ticks, short comments, follow-up questions).

  • Portfolio v5 mandatory piece: Personal statement that demonstrates your experience of performing standard investigations.

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