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Evidence of Achievement

The portfolio standards have been grouped together in modules so that it is more obvious where a knowledge and skill overlap in a task enables one or more standards to be met. Therefore, individual pieces of evidence for each standard are not required, although the trainer must sign each standard to confirm it has been met.  

Evidence is provided by the candidate from the documentation that may be produced during their training and assessment of knowledge and skills: the candidate is required to produce three separate pieces of evidence for each of the 10 modules, resulting in a total of 30 pieces of evidence for the entire portfolio.  The selection of evidence is the responsibility of the candidate, but their choice should be guided by the training officer and a variety of evidence is expected.

The portfolio is expected to contain a range of different types of evidence, and should not focus on a limited selection of evidence types. Some common evidence types are:  witness statements, reflective practice statements, audits, feedback from presentations, annotated documents/laboratory results, question and answer tutorials.  The candidate is also expected to select evidence within the module that covers a range of standards of proficiency (SoP).

Portfolio general evidence criteria

  • Evidence for attainment of all of the learning outcomes (knowledge and competency) for each section to be covered with 3 pieces of  evidence. 10 portfolio sections in total = 30 pieces of evidence to gather.

  • Portfolio evidence must be varied (e.g. witness statement, reflections, objective etc) and based on work-based practices.

  • All evidence must be objective (i.e. based on facts).

  • All work based evidence must be framed (i.e. include a title, date, your name and sign off box).

  • Ensure all evidence is individually indexed and also signposted on your main index page.

  • All evidence must be put into context (i.e. what is the piece of evidence and what is it demonstrating).

  •  Portfolio evidence must be justified with an indication of why a particular piece was chosen.

  •  One piece of evidence cannot be used multiple times

  • Ideally individual evidence pieces should be now longer than x 2 A4 sides

Portfolio specific evidence criteria

  • Mentor (s) must date and countersign all pieces of evidence.

  • University work may be used as evidence (speak to mentor in first instance)

  • Mentors may ask for additional supporting evidence to back up your submitted evidence:

  • Leave a space for mentor feedback / follow up questions.

  • For section 5: a piece of evidence must be included that demonstrates engagement with service users.

  • Annotate your evidence with personalised comments / labelling.

  • Each piece of evidence should be between 1 -2 sides (A4) long and not exceed 2 sides, where original evidence is longer than this (e.g. SOPs, policies etc..) then summarise this for portfolio presentation and leave original evidence in back up folder should assessors / verifiers ask to see it.

  • Do not put evidence in plastic wallets etc. whereby the assessor needs to remove evidence in order to read it all. 

Section 5 - Engagement with service users

IMPORTANT:  As one of the three pieces of evidence for Section 1: Module 5 Professional Relationships, the candidate must produce a reflective statement on how the engagement with service users has contributed positively to their professional development (HCPC SoP 9.3,12.2).  Portfolio verifiers will check to ensure that this piece of evidence is present, and must comment on it.

Although mandatory, a reflective statement on its own may not be sufficient as a piece of evidence on its own for this section and depends on what the SoP the other pieces of evidence cover.


  • HCPC SoP 9.3: Understand the need to engage service users and carers in planning and evaluating diagnostics, treatments and interventions to meet their needs and goals.

  • HCP SoP 12.2: Gather information, including qualitative and quantitative data, that helps to evaluate the responses of service users to their care.


Candidates will be expected to demonstrate with objective evidence their engagement with service users for, this could include questionaries' sent out to service users, feedback forms from tours etc..



Example 1: Piece of evidence produced for this section from a user satisfaction survey:











Justify the selected evidence

At the end of each section there is a page in the portfolio whereby the candidate is expected to briefly justify why they chose a particular piece of evidence and how it covers/relates to the SoP (s).

They may also identify the standards of proficiency it supports.  The portfolio verifier will also review the justification for this selection.


Questions you may wish to answer whilst completing your justifications:

  • Why you chose the piece of evidence.

  • How it meets the SoP (s).

  • How the process of gathering this evidence improved your practices.

  • How the evidence demonstrates competency and / or knowledge.

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