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Receiving Specimens

Evidence 1: Complete the missing sections of the table below for specimens received in the laboratory:


1. Analysis of samples received in the laboratory :

  • You may need to liaise with some other pathology departments to help you complete this table

sample 2.PNG

Evidence 2: For this piece of evidence you will need to give 2 examples of specimens that require special actions to ensure accurate results. Examples could include samples received for Arterial blood gas, CSF, Ammonia, Joint fluids etc.

2. Examples of specimens that require special actions:

Example 1 (within your department):


Describe actions to be taken:


Example 2 (from another department):

Describe actions to be taken:

Evidence 3: For this evidence piece write a paragraph for each of the situations given below (ensure you refer to local SOPs whenever possible.

For the purpose of writeup you may choose any specific relevant sample type for your department.

3. Situation no 1.

Specimen leaking in transport bag


Explain what you would do:


3. Situation no 2.

Insufficient specimen


Explain what you would do:


3. Situation no 3.

Incorrectly labelled specimen/ form (e.g. sample does not match the request form)


Explain what you would do:


3. Situation no 4.

Specimen received with no test request


Explain what you would do:


Sign off: After you have collected each piece of evidence, hand them into your trainer / mentor who will then countersign them. Please note that they may ask for additional evidence or ask you follow up questions. Also ensure that:


  1. You have date and signed your work

  2. You only submit evidence for checking once it is completed (you may take individual evidence pieces out of your portfolio)

  3. Ensure any countersigned checked work is returned back (in order) to your portfolio 


Try not to hand in multiple pieces of evidence for marking at once - this will create too much work for your trainer / mentor, instead spread submissions out throughout your training.

Trainer notes: Ensure the candidates line manager completes the 'Line Manager's Comments' section as each module in the portfolio is completed - continuous assessment of the candidates work is required throughout the training period.


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