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IBMS registration portfolio

IBMS Certificate of competence guidance, shared learning, templates and resource centre

Welcome to the IBMS certificate of competence training page. This area of the web site is designed to aid trainees with gathering evidence for their portfolios. 

  • Red boxes provide the latest guidance for portfolios from the IBMS.

  • The green boxes provided guidance and help in completion of your portfolio.

  • The purple boxes are the various template to use throughout your portfolio.

  • The gold boxes are useful documents specific for PTP students.

Click on a link below

V5 portfolio

Version 5 portfolio update (list of mandatory evidence)


Good evidence examples from past portfolios


IBMS Reflective learning statement

Signature Sheet

Table sheet for all staff involved in your training

e-Workbook 2

Guide for embedding e-portfolio evidence pieces 

OCE Assessment

Observed Clinical Event Discussion Template (v2)

V4 Verification 

Additional questions asked from Sep 2023 (V4 portfolios)


Department specific timetables to edit

Cover sheet 

Cover sheet for each of the 10 sections to list evidence


Plagiarism statement and references used

Project proposal 

Template for PTP /gap year students


PTP Work based evidence template

Evidence Criteria

Portfolio general evidence criteria guidance

Evidence layout

Click here for how to layout your evidence 


IBMS Witness statement


Generic portfolio questions to answer

CBD Assessment

Case Based Discussion Template (v2)

Good evidence

Evidence principles and general guidance from the IBMS


IBMS portfolio index listing your 30 pieces of evidence 

Progress review

Mentor portfolio progress review meeting

e-Workbook 1

Spreadsheet for embedding e-portfolio evidence pieces 

DOP Assesment

Direct Observation of Practical/Procedural Skills (v2)

Mentor useful documents:


Progress review questions for student / trainee to complete

PTP timetable M

PTP Year 2 and 3 timetable Microbiology

PTP timetable B

PTP Year 1 timetable Blood Sciences

PTP timetable B

PTP Year 2 and 3 timetable Blood Sciences

Page last updated 27/11/23


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