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University work placements 

Dear placement Student,

On behalf of the the Pathology Service, I want to take this opportunity to welcome you to our University Hospital of North Tees (UHNT) and James Cook University Hospital (JCUH) sites. We look forward to welcoming you to our team and getting to know more about you as you begin your work based placement for the upcoming academic year.

Your placement is scheduled to commence on:

  • Date - Monday 23 September 2024 For both North and South Tees

  • Time - 10:00 

  • Location - Report to Pathology main reception and ask for:

    • North Tees

      • University Hospital of North Tees

        • Judy Marsden​

    • South Tees

      • James Cook University Hospital

        • Joanne Wintrip 

Also please see additional documents below that may be useful during your time with us:


Your training

During your training with us, you will be trained in various departmental competencies relating to your chosen discipline (s) as well as gathering of evidence for your IBMS Certificate of Competence (registration portfolio) and PTP portfolio (PTP students only).

A work-based mentor will be allocated to you for the duration of your training with us – these are experienced staff who are familiar with both the department and requirements of the IBMS portfolio. 


An induction, pathology wide tour and further training guidance will be given to you on the first day within your chosen pathology department.


A department specific training plan will also be provided.

Before you commence your training with us, if I could ask that you check out some of the useful information contained on this website, in regards to your IBMS portfolio of evidence.

In particular, see the following link:






We will provide all your PPE required when working within the laboratories / Clinical areas.  


Car Parking

For both North and South Tees discounted staff parking is available, information will be provided at induction. 

North Tees - Public parking is available opposite the hospital (along Hardwick road) for £2 per day - see map (discounted student parking passes are available discussed at induction)



Local induction

A local induction will be carried out on your first day that will include:

  • Training, duties and working hours

  • Dress code including appropriate footwear

  • Completing an application for your Staff ID badge

  • Car parking arrangements 

  • Tour of the departments

  • Fire, Health and Safety

  • Use of PPE

  • IT account set up (including Email)

  • Leave and holidays (and sickness absence reporting arrangements)

  • Meal breaks

  • Where to get help and advice (including freedom to speak up)

  • Introduction to your work based mentor


Working hours and shifts

For both UHNT and JCUH core hours are between 08:00 - 17:30. Specific shift times to be discussed and agreed on a departmental level.

Again, welcome and congratulations on your acceptance for placement. Please feel free to reach out and contact us with any queries or questions. We look forward to meeting you as you begin the first part of your journey as a Biomedical Scientist!

Best wishes,

Joanne Wintrip
Pathology Training Manager
Tees Valley Pathology

Judy Marsden

Pathology Training Lead


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