Portfolio and departmental competencies
Contributing to team work
Evidence 1: Produce a flow chart for the general management structure within pathology up to and including the operational manager.
For each position include 3 of their key responsibilities / roles (these can be departmental specific where applicable).
For example:
Evidence piece 1:
You may wish to draw a management flow chart for your specific department instead of the general one shown above
Evidence 2: For this piece of evidence you will need to think about other departments, both within and outside the organisation, that have contacted the laboratory department in which you work.
Complete the table below for 5 other departments that have regular contact with your department and then list the key staff for each:
Evidence piece 2:
For any one department listed above, provide an example of how you have interacted with them recently:
Example of interaction:
Evidence 3: Complete the table below to show the various individual roles within pathology that contribute to achieving your team’s objectives. (If more than one individual then choose one named individual as an example):
Evidence piece 3:
Hint: Go and speak to each induvial to help you complete colum 3
Evidence 4: For this piece of evidence you will need to choose 2 actions and 2 behaviours that could produce an ineffective team. Actions tend to be more specific single instances and behaviours more general patterns, but both can be intentional or neutral.
For example, turning up late for a shift could be an action that produces an ineffective team as other staff members may need to cover the work or some other work will not get done.
Being disrespectful to others could be an example of a behaviour that would lead to an ineffective team as it would erode morale in the department.
Evidence piece 4:
Action 1:
Describe how this could lead to an ineffective team?
Action 2:
Describe how this could lead to an ineffective team?
Evidence piece 4:
Behaviour 1:
Describe how this could lead to an ineffective team?
Behaviour 2:
Describe how this could lead to an ineffective team?
Sign off: After you have collected each piece of evidence, hand them into your trainer / mentor who will then countersign them. Please note that they may ask for additional evidence or ask you follow up questions. Also ensure that:
You have date and signed your work
You only submit evidence for checking once it is completed (you may take individual evidence pieces out of your portfolio)
Ensure any countersigned checked work is returned back (in order) to your portfolio
Try not to hand in multiple pieces of evidence for marking at once - this will create too much work for your trainer / mentor, instead spread your submissions out throughout your training.
Trainer notes: Ensure the candidates line manager completes the 'Line Manager's Comments' section as each module in the portfolio is completed - continuous assessment of the candidates work is required throughout the training period.