Portfolio and departmental competencies
These training programmes are to assist you with gathering evidence for your registration portfolio as you work in your department - specific timetables and rotas will be provided by your departments.
Please note that you will need to spend some time in specimen reception to give you a wider understanding of how various departments are linked and how samples are initially receipted and subsequently processed - again use this as an opportunity to collect evidence. You will also need to have an awareness of other departments in pathology and will be expected to spend time in these departments - you will be asked about this on your assessment.
How to use your training programme
Your programme is broken down into training period weeks - this is the expected amount of time you can expect to be spending in each area / bench within your department - the amount of time may vary but has been calculated so that you rotate through all areas within the department for the time that you are with us.
The learning outcomes will be related to specific departmental competencies - although you are not expected to be fully signed off, you will need to have some basic departmental competencies that cover a broad range of your scope of practice.
The mapping colum is linked to the various sections of your IBMS portfolio- we have ensured that you can cover all the Standards of Proficiency (SoP) throughout your time with us.
The final column can be used to list the various evidence you are going to use whilst you rotate through the different clinical areas - you will need to show this timetable when you have your regular mentor meetings.
A list of suggested evidence has been provided at the end of this training programme:
The suggested evidence at the end of each timetbale below is for guidance only - please speak to your work-based mentor on types of varied evidence to collect as you work within your departments - these training programmes are available for each department. You must collect 30 pieces of evidence in total (3 for each of the 10 modules of the IBMS portfolio) that covers the full knowledge and competency learning outcomes (i.e. SoP's).
Page last updated: 12/11/23